Products 4DDA

In virtue of the growing number of payment slips destined for payments from suppliers, there's a great effort from users to manage the optical reading of these documents in order to attach the bar code to the existing commitments on the Trade Payables sector. To automate this process we created a solution that, from the scan files generated by the banks, the reading is done automatically, no longer needing to read the slips optically.

Main characteristics of the 4DDA solution

  • Transaction to import files and ID of the corresponding company through CNPJ
  • Transaction to locate commitment to a vendor through the CNPJ's Root, NF number, due date and value
  • Routine that turns barcode into a typeable line
  • Batch input that fills said line
  • Batch input that treats tolerances
  • Log report for processing
  • Transaction that treats exceptions
  • Cross-reference report that can verify existing commitments on the system without a match in the current scan file and vice versa

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